Hannah French - Sitio Web Conmemorativo En Línea

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Hannah French
Nacido enUnited Kingdom
12 years
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Árbol Genealógico
Death is more universal than life, everyone dies but not everyone lives. A. Sachs

Hannah was born on the 14 august 1997 and died on the 4 febuary 2010 at the age of 12.Hannah had an asthma attack that killed her.Hannah was happy, Kind,Caring and just so amazing. Evaryone who her instantly fell in love with her.

Hannah my was one of my favourite people in the world.
She was my big sister, My only sister and i loved and still love her so much.
She got taken away from us way to soon and if i had one wish it would be to have her back because i miss her so much it physically hurts sometimes.
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